Vegetarian Lentil Ragu

Something I’m really aware of these days, is the amount of meat and fish that we eat as a family. Trying to cut back has been on my radar for a while now, it’s something that I tend to dip in and out of rather than commit to fully. However, recently I’ve re-connected with an old acquaintance on Instagram and have been following her and her family’s’ conversion to veganism with real interest. Antonia’s posts are a reminder to me to really think about what I eat. Whilst I don’t think veganism is for me right at this minute, it’s core values are things that I really would like to recognise and follow fully at some point in time. I do think it’s wrong the way animals are treated, I do believe mass farming animals contributes to our destruction of this planet, I do feel that drinking dairy milk (as adults) is a bit odd, I do feel that it’s been indoctrinated into us that we need meat in our diet, I do believe that we eat too much meat as a nation and that plant based foods are better for us. And I do believe that it would be better for our bodies all round if we cut back on our meat consumption.

Lentil Ragu

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