In my last post about my skin, I told you how I was suffering from a horrid rash around my mouth. My Doctor had given me antibiotics to treat this and although they seemed to be working at first, within a few days the symptoms started to reappear. Along with this, I’d also started to get some sort of reaction around my eyes, double yay! To say I was feeling pretty low is putting it mildly. Any catch ups with friends that I had scheduled in January, I cancelled, seeing only my family and husband. I just wanted to hide away in a corner until it all went away. Despite all efforts, my mouth rash and the small bumps seemed to fade one day, then reappear the next, I felt like I wasn’t getting to the route cause of whatever the issue was. The patches underneath each eye which had randomly started seemed to get worse, to the point where they were so swollen in the morning, I had to ice them. I looked like I’d done ten rounds in the boxing ring. Continue reading